



acting, distance learning, disciplines, arts, art education, student, drama studio, stage speech


One of the trends in the development of the education system is applying distance learning – modern telecommunication technologies, computer networks and live television broadcasting systems. The global pandemic has sent a number of challenges to the entire education system, which, in turn, has intensified the process of computerisation. The imposition of martial law in Ukraine has exacerbated the need to use modern methods and distance learning tools in professional art education institutions for training specialists in the field of culture and arts. Teaching performing arts in extracurricular activity institutions and, moreover, the professional training of future actors require systematic interaction with teachers and students, requires students to be (to perform tasks) in the classroom or in a training drama studio under the direct supervision of experienced teachers. At the same time, circumstances have limited the possibility of live communication between participants in the educational and creative process, and the introduction of modern information technologies requires compliance with certain requirements and rules. Under such conditions, there is an urgent need to find effective forms, methods and ways of teaching drama, which, on the one hand, could be implemented online, and on the other hand, would allow future actors to completely develop the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The article analyses the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning in the training of future actors, which led to the conclusion that information technology will play certain role in improving art education but it will have clear ranges of application, namely: theoretical materials and video lectures can be given in recorded or online format; lectures, seminars, meetings with prominent actors, directors, as well as performing some exercises with students (individual classes) can be held online; practical classes where students perform tasks in groups should be conducted in formats as close as possible to live communication. The article outlines the possibility of two approaches to optimise distance learning in the performing arts.


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How to Cite

Kabanova І. Г. (2024). EXPERIENCE OF TRAINING FUTURE ACTORS IN DISTANCE LEARNING. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 317–325. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2024.1.41

