


philosophy, life, death, spiritual culture, spiritual experience, consciousness, devotion, steadfastness, originality


The article examines the peculiarities and manifestations of the philosophy of life and death in the spiritual experience of the Ukrainian people. It was found that spiritual life is one of the essential properties of a person. It has been established that since pre-Christian times, Ukrainian spiritual culture perceived death as a transition to the primal foundation of all that exists, as proof of the universal connection of everything with everything material, spiritual, empirical and transcendent. It was determined that economy, hard work, hospitality and benevolence in relations both with fellow citizens and with foreigners have been inherent to the Ukrainian national character since ancient times; caution, sentimentality, but at the same time resourcefulness and bravery, determination and indomitability, heroism and self-sacrifice when it is necessary to stand up for the protection of your world. It was found that the philosophy of Ukrainian national thought is largely related to the analysis of the peculiarities of the living environment and culture of Ukrainians as a determining factor of the Ukrainian national character. It became clear that H. Skovoroda considered philosophy to be life itself. The purpose of life can be different – someone wants the best for his body, and someone – for his soul. Referring to the teachings of Skovoroda, we note that the Ukrainian people, from generation to generation, whose spirit is indomitable, originality, strives for a free existence, because having such a spiritual idea, one can achieve “the best for the body”, that is, the best for life in a free, independent state. It was revealed that today the Ukrainian people in modern society are going through a difficult period of change in consciousness, mind and spirit, which is observed at the micro-social level, in inter-religious relations, in society as a whole, as well as in family circles, relations between relatives. It is established that the philosophy of life in the spiritual experience of the Ukrainian people manifests itself in the identity, indomitability, aspiration for the free existence of the Ukrainian people in a free, independent state, while the philosophy of death deepens the mystery of existence and sheds new light on the meaning of existence.


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How to Cite

Patlaichuk О. В., & Khromova О. І. (2022). THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE AND DEATH IN THE SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE OF THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 146–151.