


principle of linguistic relativity, linguistic picture of world, concept-sphere, high- and low-context lingual cultures, lingual globalization


In the article, there has been analyzed extra lingual specificity of languages, particularly those that are used in international communication. The philosophical epistemology approach allows analyzing the cognitive functions of speech and the influence of the lingual picture of the world into an agreement between communicators. Typology of languages into high-context and low-context was carried out. The high-context lingual cultures are characterized by significant ritualization of speaking and the informative load of non-verbal communication components. That’s why when learning this kind of language it goes not just about studying grammar rules but also about enculturation and socialization. The low-context languages are less ritualized, so the integration into their semiosphere is much easier and faster. It is their prime advantage during intercultural contact needs. Therewith low-context lingual cultures are characterized by the intensive word-creating dynamic, that’s why their vocabulary is quantitatively richer if compared with the high-contextual ones. In conditions of the globalized world, high-context languages have the influence of strengthening the regional meaning and narratives of their lingual picture of the world. In contrast, low-context ones are useful as a tool for international communication. In the period of intensification of intercultural communication, the language issue takes on special importance. This can be explained by two reasons: firstly, as the language turns into a tool of international communication, its worldview concepts simultaneously change under the influence of the worldview concepts of another culture; secondly, thanks to the spread of the language in the world, the influence and political subjectivity of the state of its native language increases. Language also determines the level of solidarity of society, the depth of its collective historical memory, the specificity of its sociocultural identity. Languages are a very important cultural asset of a nation. Therefore, the way to preserve, protect and promote cultural diversity in the world is to ensure its linguistic diversity.


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How to Cite

Osadcha Л. В. (2022). LINGUAL PICTURE OF THE WORLD THROUGH THE CULTURAL STUDIES APPROACH. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 201–209.

