



Max Weber, Protestant ethics, the spirit of capitalism, human self-realization, Calvinist Christian, salvation of the soul, professional activity, life plan of a Christian


The article analyzes the classic work of one of the most outstanding representatives of European intellectualism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the German philosopher and sociologist Max Weber «The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism». The core idea of this article is formulated, which consists in the statement that, despite the deep analysis of the nature of capitalism, where M. Weber develops the idea of the latter’s organic relationship with the Protestant ethic, he also draws the reader's attention to the phenomenon of human self-realization. This can be seen from the importance the author of the book attaches to the role and place of professional activity in the formation of a person in the capitalist era. It is concluded that, although M. Weber did not know the concept of «self-realization» due to the fact that the latter was introduced into scientific use only more than half a century later, in his characterization of the phenomena of Protestant ethics, the «spirit» of capitalism and professional activity Christian-Calvinist, the idea of maximum, most complete and deep objectification by man of his natural and acquired in the process of universal socialization powers is clearly traced. Moreover, this is such an objectification of the essence of a person, which should fully correspond to the «plan of God», who created a person in this world not so that he could barely survive in inactivity, but to work tirelessly on a great and grand cause. With this, a person, on the one hand, will please God and honor Him, on the other hand, he will acquire for himself the most perfect virtues and complete happiness. In this context, the German philosopher’s interpretation of the Calvinist teaching on the salvation of the Christian's soul is analyzed. The basic ideas of Calvinism, formulated in the «Westminster Confession» of 1647, are given, as well as the conclusion of Calvinist ethics about the tireless work of a Calvinist Christian within the framework of his profession as the only condition on the way to gaining inner confidence in his election to the salvation of his soul. The article provides definitions of the phenomenon of self-realization of the individual, quoted from the monograph of the author of this article, which is the only one in the domestic space on the topic of self-realization of the individual.


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How to Cite

Muliar В. І., & Sulimenko О. Г. (2023). «THE PROTESTANT ETHICS AND THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM» BY MAX WEBER: THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SELF-REALIZATION. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 127–135. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.1.17