ethnicity, ethnic identity, dynamics of ethnic identity, social cohesion, sociopolitical context, sociocultural context, polyethnic society.Abstract
The article examines the relationship between ethnic identity and social cohesion. Among the large number of types of ethnic identity, the following were chosen for analysis: ethnocentric identity, multiethnicity, negative ethnic identity, positive ethnic identity, “shifting” identity, atomised (scattered) identity, hybrid ethnic identity, sociocultural identity, identification with a certain system of cultural values (cultural), transethnic identity. Such a choice is based on the content of the specified types of identity, in particular, on the fact that they most adequately reproduce the essence of the umbrella phenomenon for them “ethnic identity” and in their functioning are most obviously characterized by dynamics depending on specific sociopolitical or sociocultural processes that take place in the environment in which their bearers (ethnophors) live. Several fundamental conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the content of ethnic identity are distinguished: ethnic identity is one of the important aspects of social identity; ethnic identity is a tool for localizing oneself in a nonethnic environment; ethnic identity is a way of associating oneself with qualitative (ethnocultural) characteristics specific to a particular community. As for social cohesion, in the context of this article, its most important functional features are as follows: social cohesion focuses on the adaptation of new groups – members of large collectives (bearers of various ethnicities); social cohesion is a process that does not end with the achievement of a result at this stage, since the transformation of ethnicity causes changes in ethnic identity; social cohesion covers various spheres of social life; social cohesion involves the formation of common values, in particular cultural and behavioral values, what, in fact, is the cornerstone of the levels of cohesion of polyethnic societies. In the context of the given question, an attempt is made repeatedly to show the influence of ethnic identity (within their community or related communities) on the effectiveness of social activities of representatives of various ethnic communities in choosing a worthy place in the social development of the country of ethnophores’ residence. Attention is drawn to the state of research of the problem, in particular in three dimensions: ethnic identity, social cohesion and the parameters of their interaction.
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